The Lower Tiers

The Lower Tiers, a football news page trying its best to increase awareness and coverage of all things EFL.

Our Story

In August 2021, I started posting from a new X (Twitter at the time) account, The Lower Tiers to help put my skills I’d learnt by being a sports journalism student to use. As a huge fan of football below the football league, I always felt that it deserved more coverage because of it’s constant drama, weird but wonderful stories and community feel.

The account was beginning to become well received from the start and I discovered a real enjoyment doing it so I decided to build a presence on Instagram and teach myself how to use Photoshop in order to give The Lower Tiers a more professional look. Again, I loved making posts for Instagram and still continue to do so.

After almost four years of The Lower Tiers, it’s time to make the nexxt step. This website is a simple blog to start off with but I aim to make it the go-to place for fans of EFL clubs to come for News, in-depth articles, live scores and more.

This will be made possible by finding aspiring sports journalists and giving them to opportunity to publish articles for what will hopefully be a large audience. As a sports journalism graduate, I understand the importance of this experience so I’m keen to give back to the industry.